The Memorial Window

The Lilienthals showed how history is made and legends come into being! Namely, through true pioneering achievements. Not only was Otto the first person ever to fly, but he also created the scientific basis for the aeroplane. Not to mention Gustav and his many social, educational and technical inventions that are still used as a standard today – without being associated with him.

More inventors and enthusiasts quickly followed in the brothers’ footsteps to bring the dream of flying closer to reality, with constantly improving technical innovations. And so, inspired by Lilienthal's gliders, the Wright brothers ushered in a new era with their powered aircraft only a few years after Otto's death: The era of modern aviation.

That’s right, the era of modern aviation – an era full of chance and opportunity. This was already recognised by the visionary Otto Lilienthal. And so he was convinced that there would be no more wars if people could fly across any border.

In fact, the allure of flying remains undiminished even today. As tools for globalisation, aeroplanes have brought people closer together, and fostered tourism and the exchange of goods. Aviation has surmounted so many obstacles and has repeatedly turned what was once technically unimaginable into something self-evident.

But every rose has its thorns. Aeroplanes may have overcome borders, but the same cannot be said for wars. Since their discovery, aeroplanes have been used as weapons of destruction and have demonstrated their deadly capabilities. In this way, St. Nicholas Church here in Anklam is also a cautionary symbol for cities around the world that suffered aerial bombardment during the Second World War.